Image Armor Titanium Pretreatment
The new Image Armor TITANIUM DTG pretreatment (for DTG white ink prints on light to mid-colour garments) is the newest updated white ink pretreatment solution from the Image Armor labs. With years of experience, testing, and research & development, Image Armor are continually innovating, and have created yet another new pretreatment with improved properties to make DTG printing even easier with better results.
One of the biggest issues since white ink printing was a reality is that the pretreatments would most likely discolor when exposed to UV sunlight. Even on a cloudy day UV rays can damage and discolor your pretreated shirt if it is not washed prior to wearing out in the sun. However, at Image Armor they have taken pretreatment to the next level. They’re giving it an SPF of 1000.
TITANIUM is designed for DTG pretreating so it will not discolor when exposed to the sun prior to washing. No more customer returns due to UV reaction. It is white ink printing without worries.
- UV RESISTANT - Titanium will not yellow when properly applied and exposed to direct UV sunlight
- WHITE INK COMPATIBLE - used for when you need to print a white ink underbase
- LESS STAINING - Easier to use on some of those harder to pretreat shirts - like light blue, sea-foam green, grey marle etc.
- BEAUTIFUL WHITE INK Prints - With the proper amount of pretratment applied you can achieve buttery smooth white ink prints that will wow you and your customers.
- Softer feel of pretreated area
- Better wash durability of DTG prints when pretreatment and inks are properly cured.